An amazing rotational movement that is going to help with building strength, balance, coordination, and symmetry to develop better running, throwing, and hitting skills
Proper lumbar stability is a growing opportunity in today’s society as many people spend hours hunched over their cell phones or working long hours. Learning to restore mobility however, can alleviate much of the discomfort caused by these activities.
Rotational Power is an absolute requirement for Baseball. These 8 exercises focus on training the core & lower-half stability which not only help develop dynamic balance and body control but are also two prerequisites for creating a powerful rotational strength…
The Squat is not a universal one-size-fits-all exercise. Click to watch the WeckMethod approach to the find the neutral squat that will give you the best form and functional flexibility to improve your squatting
Elastic Band Exercises that focus on proper squat mechanics, including the role of the hips, knee, and the lower back to not only improve squat form but also lead to better running.